Saturday, February 11, 2012

Re-educate Your Tummy and Soul: A guide to becoming a vegetarian

Before making any extreme changes to your diet, FHM Unlimited suggests that you seek medical advice first.
This is so you can be individually assessed for any possible nutritional deficiency you may already have - or in case you have any other health problems that require a specific diet.

It is not always true that vegetarians are thin and meat eaters are fat.
The most common reason why people go vegetarian is because they want to loose weight. But I know a lot of vegetarians who’s fat. Yes going vegetarian can help you loose weight but you should also do it with exercise.
The good thing about being vegetarian is you develop control and discipline. It is not easy changing diet specially for us Filipinos who are very conditioned to meat. Going vegetarian is easy. There plenty of market and talipapa here.
Give up eating Beef :
This is not hard , because you can still eat pork, chicken and fish. So do this for a month or two. Just make sure that you don’t eat beef anymore straight for a month.
Give up eating Pork :
When you can now give up beef, it’s time to give up pork. You can still eat chicken and fish. It is easier to give up, knowing that pork is the primary cause of diseases. And we all know that it makes us fat since it is very high in bad cholesterol. Do this for a month or two. Just make sure that you don’t eat pork anymore straight for a month.
Give up eating chicken:
What’s wrong with eating chickens ? Well there’s a lot, but anyway you will soon have to give up eating chicken. Maybe this will be hard for you so do this for two months or more , but make sure to give up eating chicken soon.

Do give up eating beef, pork and chicken in a year or two and it will be easier for you to go vegetarian or vegan. Don’t make it hard for you, there will always be an easier way that will help you achieve your goal. Going vegetarian does not end on giving up the food that you are conditioned to eat, it involves mindset, positive thinking, proper hygiene and a healthier lifestyle.


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